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Commemorative Editions

The Commemorative Editions (CE) are Limited Editions or Artist Proofs that are created to coincide with and celebrate with the Artist, the awarding, recognition or event surrounding a Craig Bill photograph - and is not priced higher. These unique prints number only five per award and are distributed as the next five prints following the event. For example, when "Image" is awarded (even though 1 artist proof and 20 limited editions have already been created and distributed), then the next five prints, whether the collector is aware of it or not, will receive a Commemorative Edition. This will result in the next possible numbering scenario of a CE print: say 21/500CE, 22/500CE, 23/500CE, 2/30APCE, 24/500CE) The Commemorative Edition is a Sub-Edition of the other main editions (limited edition & artist proofs). If you miss out, then the only possible way to obtain a CE print is either through a previous collector or if the photograph achieves an award again. To be aware of any CE print availabilities, call, sign up for the Newsletter, Instagram, follow us on Facebook, Instagram or visit the posted awards often. These prints are directly indicated and inscribed with a "CE" by the signature and number along with a certificate.

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