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Lunar Cliffs
One aspect of photography that I take advantage of is the time of day. Different light angles, color of light, and mood are just a few of the big changes that take place with shifting time of day. Finding the "hidden" light that is either an unpopular visiting time, inconvenient, uncomfortable or just not explored - can take a photograph to another level of discovery.
In Lunar Cliffs, I knew when and where the Sun and Moon were to rise on this day. I also noticed how the canyon walls painted themselves in increasing blue and pink hues during the failing light of the sunset. Toroweap is a common "sunset" vista - but I wanted other times of the day as well. I decided to set up my tent right on the edge of the 3000 foot cliffs, set up the tripod and waited for deep night. Right about total darkness, the cold wind kicked up real bad and flattened my tent on top of me. I just hoped it wasn't enough to carry me over the side! Sleeping (or nonsleeping) on the side of a 3000 foot cliff may not sound appealing to most people, but I wanted to be prepared for both the moonrise and sunrise along with all the dancing light and constellations in between.
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