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Rocks of Light



Just walking among Goblin Valley's sculpted sandstone formations gives you a feeling of exploring another planet.The unusual stone shapes in Goblin Valley result from the weathering of sandstone. They consist of debris eroded from older highlands and redeposited on a former tidal flat of alternating layers of sandstone, siltstone and shale. The surrounding rocks show evidence of being near an ancient sea with the dynamic flow of tides and tidal channels that directed currents back to the sea and coastal sand dunes.

During my short visit to Goblin Valley, I was able to observe the changing light and shadows that drastically change the landscape from hour to hour - resulting in totally unique and sometimes challenging exposure dilemmas. A crazy note about this picture? If you look in the upper top of the image, you will find a daytime meteor streaking across the sky! I would love to tell you that I planned the shot, but as it turned out, I did not notice the meteor until I was proofing the image!

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Limited Editions 500

Artist Proofs 30

Goblin Valley, Utah USA

Meteor in the shot

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